What is Community@UAF?

Answer: Community@UAF is a WordPress installation for the University of Alaska Fairbanks primarily serving the needs of UAF eCampus faculty in terms of course blogging and open course materials. Community@UAF is a service of the UAF eCampus.

Can I get a site at Community@UAF?

Answer: If you are affiliated with the University of Alaska, you may request your own site. Please provide your name,  UA email address, and requested site address on our contact form. At this time automatic signup is disabled. A Community@UAF administrator will create an account and site for you – most requests will be handled within 24 hours but please allow up to 1 week processing time.

I have a problem with my Community@UAF site. Can you help me fix it?

Answer: Unless you are working on a course with an eCampus instructional designer, you are entirely responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of your site. We recommend WordPress.tv for how-to tutorials. We will attempt to notify site users of updates and changes that affect everyone.  If there is an issue you are concerned about, you may contact an administrator via the contact form.

I have a WordPress site that I want to move to a different WordPress installation, can I export/import my site?

Answer: Yes, in the Dashboard, use Tools->Export/Import.

I have a site on Community@UAF and I want to point my own domain name to my site, can I do this?

Answer: Currently, this functionality is not enabled for general use.  You can do this at wordpress.com for a fee.

Can I install a new theme?

Answer: We have attempted to provide a variety of current themes with customization options. If there is a specific free theme you need to have installed, please use the contact form to make the request. The Community@UAF administrator will make the determination whether the theme will be installed.

Question: Can I install a new plugin?

Answer: If you would like to install a plugin that is not currently available, you will need to make a request to the Community@UAF administrator. Please use the contact form to make this request. The administrator will make the determination whether the plugin will be installed.